We design and develop
Education that works for the majority
Co-creating education solutions that have impact

Consultancy & Advisory
We support others in project design, policy, strategy & framework development that make education practical and impactful.

Implementation Support
We implement project components on behalf of partner organisations that involve technology integration in education.

Curriculum to Training
We support curriculum development, instructional design, content development and training, with technology integration.
Many Major Organisations Trust Us
We have worked with many reputable organisations globally to deliver value and transform lives
Building Ed-Tech Tools from Scratch
Sometimes, it is necessary to innovate around chronic age-old problems by developing new tools and processes. The CBC App is one such tool; an in-house innovation that is making a difference across schools in Kenya.
- Simplified assessment record-keeping processes for teachers.
- Simplified oversight and management for school administrators.
- Easy preparation of end-term/year reports
- Data and analytics for management and feedback.

Feasibility Study on the digitalisation of TVET in Kenya
The feasibility study aimed at assessing the digital readiness of Kenya’s TVET institutions and the entire delivery system. This initiative was part of a broader effort to modernize and digitalize TVET across Kenya to meet international standards for technical and vocational training.

GIZ GmbH – Youth Employment in Agri-Food Sector
The extensive project focused on revising selected curricula in the TVET Sector and developing digital content to enhance youth employment in Kenya’s agri-food sector.

Video Series on Workplace Sexual Harassment
The project focused on creating engaging, interactive videos that would educate young people about their rights and responsibilities, while also providing practical guidance on preventing and addressing harassment.

National TVET and TVET Workforce Blueprint
TVET Blueprint: A focus on the supply side of TVET and especially the elements of Governance, Access, Relevance, Quality and Fiancing and Digitalisation. TVET Workforce Blueprint: A focus on the demand side of TVET.

EASTRIP: TVET Curriculum harmonization in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya
Development of a harmonized qualifications framework for the TVET sector across East African nations. The project aimed to create consistency in technical education qualifications, enabling easier labour mobility and skills portability across the region.

Orange Knowledge Programme
The Nuffic Orange Knowledge Programme supported selected TVET institutions in Kenya to develop climate-smart and water-smart agriculture training programs. The aim was to equip students with practical, sustainable agricultural skills using ICT-enhanced training methodologies.
Create Innovatively; Implement Effectively
Let’s figure it out together